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Seattle, WA, United States

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Trying to soak it up

Originally when I made my top 5 things to do list, I was really excited to squeeze the most out of my time left in Barcelona.  To be honest, I've been having challenges motivating myself to do anything.  Last week, most people were out of town for Semana Santa or nesting so for the most part I was left to my own devices.  I used to think I had a bit of a lone wolf streak, but lately I have been boring myself to death.  It just hasn't been as fun as it could be to do my Top 5 list solo.  I even tried ordering arros negre at a restaurant and they rejected me because it has to be ordered for 2 people.  I am getting tired of this lame duck situation and I want to hurry up and go back to the U.S.  

Friday had a rainy forecast so I spent the day at the Caixa Forum to go to at least one museum besides the Museu de l'erótica.  That's one more I can check off my list.  I figured bad weather would be a good museum day. 

Saturday, April 23 was Sant Jordi Day (Jordi is Catalan for George) in Barcelona.  It's a lovers' holiday like Valentine's Day.  Boys give roses to girls and girls give books to boys.  Roses are for love and books are forever.  The streets are filled with rose and book vendors and a lot of authors come out to do signings.  I ventured out for a little while with Duke, but I couldn't handle the crowds for too long.  

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