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Seattle, WA, United States

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Top 5 Thing I Will NOT Miss...

1.  Swamp Ass - Anyone who has experienced the height of a Mediterranean summer knows what I am talking about.

2.  Living in dilapidated housing.  Most of the flats here are fairly old and Spanish appliances are poorly constructed so everything is always falling apart.  Most places also do not have air conditioning or heating.  I think I lost around 10 lbs during winter because all of my body fat/energy went towards homeostasis.

3.  Concrete jungle

4.  Being confused and confusing all the time.  For way too long I was saying "con yo" instead of "conmigo".

5.  Perpetual thirstiness.  All of the drinks here are tiny AND they do not give free glasses of water at restaurants.

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