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Seattle, WA, United States

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Post Blood Draw

Yesterday was a LONG day.  I went to the hospital in the morning for my blood analysis and to finish the grueling 20 page (or so) questionnaire on my physical and mental health.  it was much better this time.  I actually got a little booth to myself to have some privacy while I filled out the mountain of paperwork.  The lady who did my blood draw was like a Spanish Elliot from Scrubs.  My robust veins are a strange point of personal pride.  Every time I get my blood drawn, I always get compliments on the size of my veins and/or the flow.  Before being disqualified from donating blood, I used to "race" my fellow donors to fill our bags...not sure why that is what I picked to be competitive about.  Anywho...afterwards I rushed home for lunch and then commenced my normal Wednesday marathon of classes.  I am curious about the blood results and if I can have them sent to the U.S.

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