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Seattle, WA, United States

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Re: Tomorrow

Again, my trip to the doctor's lasted 10 minutes.  Barcelona can be surprisingly efficient sometimes.  Basically, the general physician referred me to an endocrinologist.  Today the endocrinologist referred me to a specialty team at Hospital Clinic to do a psych evaluation.  So, unfortunately, I didn't get to bypass that part of the process.  At this point I am waiting for a call from those set of doctor's to schedule an appointment.

The actual visit with the endocrinologist was a bit distracting because she had the back door open the whole time and people kept popping in and out to visit.  That was a bit awkward since I'm used to having a certain amount of medical privacy.  Oh Spain!

...And someone promised to send me some furikake in the mail :)

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