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Seattle, WA, United States

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Yesterday was another successful brunch at Dharma's flat.  It's difficult to get anyone to come to events when there is daylight out so it was only a part of five (including Duke).  Our spread included chiliquiles, tostones, platanos maduros, fruit, home fries, mimosas/champagne, banana bread, and hummos.  It was rad.

I really needed that feast because this last week was rough socially and at work.  On Wednesday, I got trapped inside the metro for almost an hour and missed one of my classes.  I'm not really sure what was happening.  All I know is that there were loads of cops everywhere and we weren't moving.  This last week I also got angry at the dating scene and deleted my accounts on OKC and GayDar.  I'm having a grass is greener on the other side moment and really missing Oly's fat chunk of the rainbow.  Believe it or not, it was massively easier for me to date in that little queer town.  Bah humbug.

On a different note, I started Catalan classes which is pretty exciting :)  The instructor is good and there are some nice people in class.  It's a bit of a challenge for me because all the other students like to speak in Spanish...my study buddy gets confused sometimes and speaks to me in Italian/French/English/Spanish.  :D

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