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Seattle, WA, United States

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lucy's Top Cock 30th

Saturday night was Lucy's 30th birthday bash.  We gathered at Bar Bodega Quimet, one of my favorite places in the Gracia neighborhood of Barcelona.  It has all the lovely authenticity and charm of a traditional, Spanish manolo, but it is inhabited by a younger, hip crowd.  The wine, vermouth, and tapas are decent and inexpensive.  We were there for several hours livin' it up with an international party (South Africa, UK, Australia, Romania, Poland, and the list goes on).  We were unfortunately seated next to the bathroom, so accompanying smells were definitely part of the backdrop.  After Quimet, we moved the party to Heliotrope (I think that is what it's called).  The DJ was playing the most amazing selection of music...including songs from Disney's the Jungle Book and the Rolling Stones.  I was totally into it.  After Heliotrope, we made one last stop for churros and xocolata calenta.  I was so thirsty by that point that I kept trying to gulp molten chocolate, which was of course followed by me scalding myself and becoming even more dehydrated.  We all made it home on one piece and are now paying the price for a magnificent night.  Worth it.
Olives, vermouth, and cava

Old-timey seltzer bottle to accompany the vermouth

Dharma getting close with Frank the Kangaroo

Me and the birthday girl at Heliotrope

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