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Seattle, WA, United States

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I have a human Spotify

His name is Hugo and he's my French roommate that speaks Argentine Spanish.  He sings and plays the guitar and he takes requests.  There is a giant hole between our rooms so it's almost like sharing a college dorm.  The space is cramped, the roomies all keep different hours, and shit in the flat is always falling apart.  We share a haze of smoke, incense, dog smells, and butter (because he's French and that's what he eats).  I'm getting a little envious of all the musical tinkering happening around me.  I never quite learned how to play my guitar and had to sell it before coming to Barcelona.  I have also lived without a piano for 7ish years - which was my best coping mechanism throughout childhood.  I am adding "keyboard" to my wish list.  Maybe during next Christmas I can beat it out of a poop log.  I need more portable hobbies!

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