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Seattle, WA, United States

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Reina, Chocolate, Church.

Reina arrived in Barcelona late on Sunday night. I have not seen her in about 5 years. It was so wonderful to see her again and a little trippy to realize we have known each other for close to 16 years. She brought all kinds of goodies from Japan including mochi and rice seasonings. Hell yeah! In return, I took her around Barcelona for a day and we had a blast. There are some photos below and more on my Picasa site (click on the link on the left).

Xocolata Calenta - the GOOD hot chocolate ´
at La Nena

Exterior of Sagrada Familia

Me in awe...

Interior ceiling of Sagrada Familia

Pious Reina
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  1. oooO
    (....).... Oooo ....
    . \ ..(.....(.....)...
    .. \ _)..... )../....
    .......... (_/.....'m just
    (....).... Oooo .... going
    . \ ..(.....(.....)...
    .. \ _)..... )../....
    .......... (_/..... here
    (....).... Oooo ....
    . \ ..(.....(.....)... to
    .. \ _)..... )../....
    ...........(_/..... you want
    oooO ........
    (....).... Oooo ....
    . \ ..(.....(.....)...
    .. \ _)..... )../.... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
    .......... (_/.....
