Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. My roommates are all out of town visiting family and Duke and I have the whole flat to myself. It is really strange because I know it is Christmastime, but it sure doesn't feel like it. Nothing sells like pine and none of the stores are playing annoying Christmas music.
It is weird to not have huge holiday gatherings to feel anxious about or shopping madness to avoid. I have nothing to be reactionary about with this season right now. It's actually forcing me to have my own holiday spirit. It's like when you're little and you complain about chores all the time, but then when you live on your own you turn into a neat freak (well, this kind of happened to me, but then I turned into a slob again). Tomorrow night I am going to a gay expat dinner party which ought to be fun, but celebrations with new friends is just not the same as being with homies.
Right now I a pretty content. Duke is snuggled up under a blanket with me. I have ice cream. I have bad TV. YEAH.
We miss you! Also Lauren is a nerd.