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Seattle, WA, United States

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Medieval Market

Here are some photos from Vic, a village about an hour outside of Barcelona. I recently met some friends there and went on a lovely hike to an ancient monastery and visited the annual medieval market. The authentic market was really exceptional. Everyone was dressed up like medieval times and really played the part. They were all drunk and dirty and covered in animal guts and wine stains. It was fantastic! I had some mulled wine, grilled butifarra (a type of Catalan sausage), and some ribs. It was all served damn near cave man style with no utensils and on clay dishes. They were also aerial acrobats doing a stunning rendition of the Hunchback of Notredame.

Being able to be outside of the city and to hike around in the woods was absolutely delicious. As much as I love Barca, I need to connect with the nature and eat some meat with my hands every once in a while.

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