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Seattle, WA, United States

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oh internet, how I miss you

I currently don't have internet at my house.  It's supposed to be there within 17 days or so.  :/

Things are going pretty well.  My home is turning into a Mexican soap opera, except no one's actually Mexican and I'm not involved (so it's wildly entertaining).  I've picked up a couple more students which is good.  I also got some great feedback from my groups so it's good to know that I somewhat know what I am doing.

It's actually starting to get cold here, but I can still walk outside most mornings with Duke in a t shirt and sandals.  As mentioned before, it is startlingly similar to SoCal.  The nights have a very dry sort of cold to them even though we have lots of clear, sunny skies during the day.  There has been some rain here and there, but I haven't had to use my umbrella yet.  That might also be several years of desensitization to bad weather in the Pacific Northwest.

OH!  Major discovery: Carrefour near my house carries gluten free products INCLUDING beer.

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