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Seattle, WA, United States

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The rest of October

The Popo:
Haven't been arrested yet.  After the cops came that one day, I never heard from them again.  They still make me nervous of course.

The Birthday:
I had a very chill gathering of folks on an overcast Sunday.  We started out at a Moroccan hookah bar.  As we were waiting for the place to open (I was on time of course...the store was on Spanish time of course) I saw a really large man on a scooter stop, slowly fall over with his scooter on top of him, then stand up with his pants remaining on the ground.  Definitely the highlight of my birthday.  After some delicious hookah and tea, we headed over to an Indian vegetarian restaurant and finished at a cabaret/speakeasy-looking bar.  It was wonderful being surrounded by lovely new friends, but I was totally missing my homies.  Shout-out to Auntie Linda and Dad for the generous contributions to my adventures and to RJ$ for the rad birthday card (it's totally me).

The Hike:
Tom, Duke, and I hiked to the  top of Tibidabo last weekend.  Barcelona proper is super urban so it felt unbelievably nice to be on a mountain above the city.  There is a theme park at the top of the mountain.  It is kinda weird because the theme is the American Wild West...

The March:
Yesterday, I met up with my friend Dharma and participated in a march against the pathologization (what is the real word for this?) of trans identity.  We marched from Plaça Universitat to Jaume.  Even though I didn't really understand what anyone was saying it felt really good to connect with the trans movement in Barcelona and spend the evening with so many lovely trannies, butches, ftms, CDs, mtfs, bois, girls, gender queers...and everyone that loves them.  I regret not  bringing my camera and taking photos, but hopefully I will be able to find some soon.

Photos coming soon...

1 comment:

  1. Hey JP,
    It sounds like you had a nice October :)
    I'd love to go to Tibidabo too, everybody says the view is amazing from there...
    Does it interest you to participate to a photo contest on Facebook to win an activity for 2 in Barcelona?!?!
    Here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=100311893371943&ref=mf
    Keep writing :)
    Lifestyle Barcelona.
