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Seattle, WA, United States

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mexican food

I had Mexican food 3 times this week.  I was jonesing pretty bad.  I had some decent nachos twice in a row, killer enchiladas with mole sauce, and some tacos with the best hot sauce I've had so far in Barcelona.  I even had some agua de tamarindo tonight.  The menus are confusing for me because all the Mexican Spanish is converted into Spanish Spanish and I have no idea what is going on.  Mexican food is also a good deal fancier than in the States.  There are no taco trucks here, but the fancy Mexican food is delicious.  It's a whole different, incomparable experience.  Here is the big problem; things do not come with a side of beans and rice.  One restaurant didn't even have beans or rice on the menu.  This is a big, big deal.  For those of you who know me well, you know about my unhealthy obsession with lardy beans.

The hunt is on.

(P.S. Why do I keep moving farther and farther away from where the tacos are?)

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