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Seattle, WA, United States

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

La Festa, Gràcia!

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The Festa Major de Gràcia is probably the coolest thing I have experienced here.  For you Oly folks, it is like the Procession of the Species, but for 24/7 (literally every hour for a week) + lots of drinking.  Different neighborhoods dress up their street and compete with decorations made from recycled and found materials.  Some of themes include horror, burlesque, cartoons, and bees.  There are free concerts, films, poetry readings, classes, etc. for the whole community to enjoy.  The energy is absolutely electric.  Everyone has so much Catalan and Gracia pride and the festival is very intergenerational.  Everything is outside so it is easy to cruise around with Duke.  Everyone falls all over him of course.  Someone even told me that they were gay for my dog.  I have taken tons of photos so far so check out my Picasa to see more!

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