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Seattle, WA, United States

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I am TEFL certified to teach English and I passed my exam with a 94%.  I have the rest of the day off and then tomorrow is our certificate ceremony.  Huzzah!

August is vacation month for Spain and then work will probably start at the beginning of September.  I´ve got a little time to relax now and explore the city more.  I thought about renting a car and driving along the coast, but petrol is expensive here and people drive like maniacs.  

Anyone want to visit this month?  It´s hot as hell, but I have some free time to hang with people.


  1. hooray! vacation month? This sounds like the place for me.

  2. Dear Richard,

    You are the best vacationer.

  3. Hey everyone is good at something, i'm just glad i've found my calling early in life.
