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Seattle, WA, United States

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Condiments continued...

So apparently there are some condiments, but they don't go on sandwiches.  A "Russian salad" here is boiled vegetables and LOADS of mayo.  I bought what I thought was salsa the other day.  When I opened it up, it was a yeast paste with no more kick than a Taco Bell sauce packet.  Today after class, I went into what I thought was a spice shop.  Spanish food is really very simple and mild-tasting and I've been jonesing for some el pato or Sriracha...a little kick in the face.  Everything was ridiculously expensive.  I think it was 8 € for a bottle of sauce.  Hell no.  For my birthday send me Braggs and Sriracha and El Pato and nut butters.

Let me update on the latter half of my weekend...

After going to the beach at Sitges on Saturday, I made plans with Jen to visit Parc Guell with Duke on Sunday.  I hadn't done any of the tourist attractions yet so I was really excited to go.  The heat was unbearable that afternoon.  After polishing off a bottle of cava, we decided to ditch the park and go along with her friends to the beach (yay lezzie expats!).  More half nakie sun bathing...I didn't bring my swimsuit so I went in my undies.  I didn't think this was a big faux pas until I got out of the water and realized they were on inside out.  That happens to me way too often.  Anyways, there are guys on the beach that sell Cokes and beers (about 2.50 €) [I am so excited!  I just figured out how to type €.  It's on the same key as % and 5 and I couldn't figure it out].  That seems insanely cheap for beach-side service, but considering you can get a decent bottle of wine (hell yeah) for that much here, I usually pass.  Does no sin tax mean that I'm becoming a libertarian?  Somehow the Spanish government has figured out how to provide health care to its people without taking away all their fun.

Sunday night was spent watching soaps in Spanish and negotiating my laundry situation.  The teeny tiny washing machine in the flat is broken so I have to hand wash bits and pieces of laundry as I need them.  It's incredibly efficient and cheap to hang dry all my stuff out the window, but there are terrible, horrible, utterly useless things called doves.  If anyone or anything is going to shit my pants, it should be me.  They no longer symbolize peace, but vengeance.

I'm going to try and buy a camera in a bit and attempt to go to Parc Guell again.  I wanted to try earlier, but the shops are all closed in the middle of the day for lunch/siesta time.

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