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Seattle, WA, United States

Monday, June 13, 2011

Crossing the pond (a belated recap)

Here are some photos from my last night in Barcelona. I didn't really sleep for 2 days.

 We had going away drinks at Bar Quimet.

Lucy and Julia were a HUGE help in getting me to the airport during the wee hours of the morning with all of my luggage and Duke.

I said goodbye to my roommates; some of them cried.

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Duke and I had a long layover at Charles de Gaulle airport.  I had to pick up all of my baggage and check-in all over again.  I am now a luggage tetris-dogwalking master.  

Dad, Angie, Norm, and Michael picked me up at LAX.  This is my dad, Don, with his gender queer Starbucks coffee, Dawn.  

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