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Seattle, WA, United States

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The most unceremonious significant moment

Part of the reason that I want to stay in Spain is access to universal health care.  In the U.S., I didn't have insurance.  Even if I did, I certainly would not have been able to afford all of the medical transitioning  that I need.  Chest surgery runs upwards of $10,000.  

This morning I had my first doctor's appointment in Barcelona.  I was so nervous because I was going in to ask the doctor about tranny treatment and my Spanish isn't so good.  My stomach was churning and I thought I was going to spew everywhere.  The doctor was middle aged with a shock of white hair.  He was tall and had giant hands.  His office looked like....an office.  I felt like I was going in to ask for a mortgage.  I couldn't stop staring at his massive hands clicking away on his seemingly tiny keyboard on top of his giant desk.  
     "Estoy nervioso y no hablo mucho castellano" I said.
     "Entiendo.  Nerviosa.  Dime."
     "Soy transgenero...tengo un cuerpo feminina...feminino...pero entero es masculino."
     "Vale.  Se siente así desde que eras pequeño?"
That was that and then he gave me an appointment for an endocrinologist.  Now, I'm not sure if that means I've bypassed a psych evaluation or not and I'm not sure about what has to be done for surgery.  All I know is that I see my endocrinologist on February 9 at 12:45 pm.  


  1. WOW you are so brave. I am terrified of getting hurt here and having to go into the doctors, one cuz of my language barrier and two cuz I am scared of bringing my passport anywhere. LOL

    The whole concept of free health care is amazing. I cant believe we still dont offer health care to everyone, its such bullshit.

    If you need anyone to go with you or to help you after surgery just let me know. =)

    Good Luck and congratulations!!!

  2. Thanks Heather! Hopefully I will need people to help with post-surgery care :)
